
Talent Philosophy

Capability matters, morality counts
Right staff in right position, provide space for exhibition
  • RecruitmentRecruit the staff with good capability and morality through fair competition.
  • TrainingTrain staff according to company and personal development needs.
  • UtilizationAuthorize properly and believe staff, provide a platform for staff to show talent.
  • RetainingRetain staff by expanding development space and providing better environment.

Training & Promotion

Balance between organization and individual, ensure win-win of enterprise and staff
MultichannelCareer development route
Upward development: realize promotion with enterprise
Internal development: become more professional
Right-left development: transfer to other position
External development: seek for development over occupation
Entry training: help new staff to know company quickly
On-the-job training: improve professional quality and capability
External training: improve qualification capability
Self-education: self-improvement in spare time